“On Fire” The Jerry Lee Lewis story featuring David Brooks. David will reprise his iconic performance as Jerry Lee Lewis from “The Million Dollar Quartet.” David is Branson’s favorite piano man performer. He captivates audiences with his brash style and bold presence on stage. This concert experience will leave you breathless as David Brooks brings The Killer to life. Fronting his live band, along with Branson’s award winning singer Phaedra Clemons, is his familiar brand of in-your-face talent and unforgettable style. David Brooks is “On Fire” at The Sun Theater located in The Shoppes at Branson Meadows.

Join us at the Branson Bluegrass Winter Festival 2024 for two days of non-stop bluegrass fun in Branson, Missouri! Whether you’re a seasoned musician or just love the sound of bluegrass, there’s something for everyone. The event takes place on December 13-14, 2024. On Friday, December 13, from 10am to 10pm, enjoy instrumental workshops, vocal workshops, a band scramble, jamming sessions, and a lively square dance. On Saturday, December 14, from 10am to 10pm, continue with more instrumental and vocal workshops, jamming sessions, and don’t miss the Variety Showcase at 7pm. Learn from top bluegrass musicians, showcase your talent in the Band Scramble and Variety Showcase, dance the night away, and join in the fun jam sessions. Don’t miss out on this incredible bluegrass experience!